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Vancouver Resource Investment Conference highlights global battle for commodities


The Vancouver Resource Investment Conference brings together thousands of investors and hundreds of junior mining companies to showcase the exploration and production of the world’s most needed critical commodities.

Disseminated on Behalf of: Cambridge House International

  • The Vancouver Resource Investment Conference brings together a stellar group of speakers on geopolitics, macro-finance, and resource investing.
  • Over 9,000 investors and 300 exhibiting companies expected at the event.
  • The conference will focus on the global scrum for resources from an investors’ perspective.

The world is facing a massive supply-demand crunch across a suite of metals.

That’s the working thesis that Vancouver Resource Investment Conference President and CEO Jay Martin has for his upcoming event.

“We’re coming out of 15 years of underinvestment and supply deficits,” says Martin. This underinvestment is going to put unprecedented pressure on commodities markets and provide opportunities for resource investors to make money.

The VRIC takes place on January 19–20, 2025, at the Vancouver Convention Centre West and tickets are available at

I am more excited about this year’s agenda than any conference we have ever produced. This is an absolute blockbuster this year.

—  Jay Martin, President & CEO, Vancouver Resource Investment Conference

A crucial time to look at investing in commodities

In a world where the headlines are increasingly grabbed by current and nascent conflicts, Martin sees evidence of a global battle for resources. He notes: “If you really want to understand why the world is changing the way it does, you need to pay attention to the raw materials industry and the supply and demand of resources.”

Whether it’s the English and the Dutch fighting over the Spice Islands or the Navajo and Apache warring over buffalo territory, “it always comes back to resources,” says Martin.

Using the copper market as an example, he points out that over the past 50 years, demand for the red metal has grown, on average, by 4–5 million tonnes each decade. That means, regardless of other factors like technology changes and economic cycles, the industry will likely see that much demand appreciation per decade in the 50 years ahead.

The problem is that, after a long period of supply matching demand, copper supplies are no longer keeping up. The world is simply not building enough copper mines, and those it does build take longer and longer to come online.

“What you see,” says Martin, “is a massive disparity that began in 2018, accelerated over the past two years, and is only getting wider, even without any surprises.” And those surprises, he notes: “are always to the downside.”

Copper is just one example. Supply deficits are impacting the full suite of metals, from uranium to silver to nickel.

Speakers provide their insights on the state of the resource markets

To help VRIC attendees make sense of resource investing in the context of geopolitics and macro-finance, Martin is bringing together a superb lineup of speakers for the event.

He prefers taking a top-down approach to his speaker lineup, with geopolitical and macro-finance speakers setting the stage for the resource investing professionals and 300+ attending resource companies.

On the geopolitical front, the 2025 VRIC will include presentations from Colonel Douglas Macgregor and Dr. Pippa Malmgren, both of whom have experience advising the White House during times of war.

Macgregor emphasizes the pollution of donor capital in Washington, D.C. He believes if you want to understand how decisions get made in the capital, you need to follow the money. “And if you do that, you land on resources,” says Martin.

Malmgren, who served as an advisor to President George W. Bush, “will speak about the power dynamics at play today and how they affect the supply and demand of our raw materials.”

Next up are the macro-finance experts. These include David Rosenberg, Danielle DiMartino Booth, Grant Williams, and Brent Johnson. They will set the stage for resource investing experts like Rick Rule, Ross Beaty, and Frank Giustra, who will discuss how investors can put their capital to work and “hopefully, make a bunch of money,” says Martin.

Tips for getting the most out of the 2025 VRIC

Martin’s most important tip for getting the most out of the VRIC? Do your homework.

He encourages attendees to look at the agenda and plan which talks to attend and which speakers to hear from.

With six stages for speakers, attendees will have plenty of options to choose from. That said, when the main hall speakers are presenting, Martin shuts down the other five stages. “I don’t make you choose when it comes to big debates and big panel discussions on our main stage,” he says.

For the rest of the day, however, attendees may face tough decisions about which speakers to see. That’s why Martin encourages investors to pre-plan.

To further prepare, Martin recommends that investors new to the resource space take his 10-chapter video course, available at

Martin says: “If you complete this course before coming to my conference, you’ll be able to carry on a meaningful conversation with anybody at the event about copper, about gold, about nickel, about silver, about uranium.”

Again, the VRIC takes place on January 19–20, 2025, at the Vancouver Convention Centre West. The conference is ahead of last year’s trajectory in terms of registrations, making now a good time for resource investors to buy tickets.

Martin concludes: “I am more excited about this year’s agenda than any conference we have ever produced. This is an absolute blockbuster this year.”